How to get Jordan B. Peterson’s audiobooks for free
Psychology professor Dr. Jordan B. Peterson has also authored the two best selling books “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos” and “Maps of Meaning”, with the latter being the basis of much of his lecture material. Both are currently available in their audio version (read by Dr. Peterson himself!) to listen to for free via the Audible Trial program. Here is how:
Use one of the Amazon links below and choose the Audiobook format. Select Try Audible Free and follow through without paying a single cent. Be sure to cancel the subscription within 30 days if you don’t want to use the Audible service any further.
12 Rules for Life at / UK / Canada
Maps of Meaning at / UK / Canada
Or browse the Audible catalog yourself with the Free Trial Program and use the service 30 days without charge. Chancel it at any time.