Hi, I’m Tobias from Germany and (as you may have gathered just now) not the renowned psychology professor Jordan B. Peterson himself. I do however like to clip his lectures and attach sometimes silly pictures and titles on them. This blog goes along with my YouTube channel “Jordan Peterson Fan Channel”.
Dr. Peterson doesn’t seem to mind, as he has send an encouraging tweet linking to the YouTube channel and even shared some of the clips via his Twitter and Facebook. Thanks a lot for that!
Psyche Matters is also an official affiliate for his “Self Authoring” program.
If you like these videos I suggest to visit Jordan B. Peterson’s YouTube channel and watch his full lectures. I always put a link to the original lecture in the description, but the best experience in my opinion is to watch his psychology classes from start, e.g. Maps of Meaning. There is much more to it than can be conveyed in such short clips.
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